The board of directors at DPS Group have issued the following statement today.

A message from DPS Group Directors to our colleagues, partners and customers.
As with all businesses, everyone at DPS Group is working hard to minimise risk and manage the developing impacts of the current COVID-19 outbreak.
We have formed a risk management team who meet daily and are responsible for implementing our company resilience action plan. We have carried out a horizon scan of our business and reviewed/updated our procedures to reduce the impact of the outbreak on our operations, supply chain and clients. As you are aware, the advice given changes frequently and we are prepared to react when required.
We are monitoring the situation on a continuous basis and are following Government guidelines in-terms of:
- Hygiene procedures
- Restricting business and personal travel
- Self-isolation
- Cancelling face to face business meetings and events
- Working from home
Our key aim is to protect the health and well-being of our colleagues while maintaining our ability to serve our clients.
We have already put in place policies to remove social interaction wherever we can and will use alternative communication channels with our business contacts to ensure, as far as possible, that we maintain our client commitment. We have implemented movement restrictions within our premises together with increased hygiene facilities and protocols. We have dedicated our workforce to specific sites and functions to ensure, where possible, continuity of work.
Where practical we have already implemented home working for members of the team and are employing available technologies to keep our workflow moving.
We will work with clients wherever possible to remove face to face interaction during site-visits while maintaining complete commitment to health and safety procedures and client specific procedures.
Whilst we are experiencing unprecedented circumstances, our resilient Management Team has been in place for the larger part of our near 20 years in business and has faced previous challenges. As before, we will continue to take a prudent and responsible approach to our business stewardship.
We hope everyone and their loved ones stays safe and healthy, working together we will get through this.